Last Monday, my blood pressure was up at my doctor visit. On this same day we did a blood draw and my creatinine was up (kidney function indicator).
I noticed that I thought my blood pressure patch "might" have come loose, but didn't do anything about it.
I was then asked to repeat the blood test on Thursday, which I did.
At 6pm my doctor called and ordered me to the UNC-ER to have Nephrology take a look at my kidney situation BECAUSE the creatinine was slightly worse than on Monday.
So at 6pm I drive myself in the pouring thunderstorm to the ER, where I sit for hours. Blood pressure at this point was 220/90. Yes too high. I began to figure out something was wrong with the patch.
They finally dopplared my kidneys and bladder to ascertain if there were any obstructions there.
Then it took 4 hours for them to read the results in the ER. By this time it was 1:15am - and the attending physician let me go home because there was no obstruction. So I drove home. Pressure was still high 190/80.
When I got home, I realized my blood pressure patch was half unstuck to my arm AND SO I CHANGED IT and went to bed.
By the time I woke up 6 hours later, my doctor called and asked me to come in the her office and check my pressure - and I do as I am told - and I got in the car, went by the bank and headed to the doctor's office. I stopped at a busy intersection at a red light (it is once again POURING rain) and a woman on a CELL PHONE rear-ended my car!! I got out, inspected my car - no damage - and then inspected the woman (who was profusely apologizing "I was in a hurry!" "Really?" said I.) I noticed she had an Obama/Biden sticker on her car and, since there was no damage, we exchanged business cards and I forgave her.
I continued to my doctor, where they examined me thoroughly and took my blood pressure. After sitting for about 20 minutes, my pressure was down to
140/70 - so I went home. All was well - and still is.
Then I talked on the phone with my Nephrologist - and he wasn't worried enough for me to come in (especially since my pressure had come down sufficiently) and we made plans for an office visit in a week.
So that's my week. I am still in the smaller pants that I haven't worn since 1984.
Now you know everything EXCEPT: the doctors and I think the kidney function going bad is a result of the blood pressure patch coming loose.
Pray that we are right, please. Thank you.
Now you know.
My favorite part is forgiving the woman because she is a Democrat. God provides.
This is Matt, not Neenah Paper. Glad you are feeling better.
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