Thursday, July 19, 2012


We only eat for one of three reasons:

Habit = Automatic or ritualized eating that can evoke feelings of comfort and security

Boredom = using food to fill up time or provide entertainment or stimulation

Stress = A state of psychological imbalance - there are many kids of stress, both good and bad.  You lose your job = stress, you get a new job = stress, eating buddies = stress,  going into situations which center on food are stress - and then having to refuse the food =stress.  The list goes on and on.

Something triggers you to eat improperly - and it's one of the three things above.  More later.....

Morning blood sugar = 114
6 oz slice Low sodium Ham = 60
1 slice cheese = 100
Activia Lite = 70
1 cup cantaloupe = 100
Total = 330

4 oz lite tuna in water = 120
chopped celery = 0
I Tbs pickle relish = 20
2 Tbs Lite Hellman's mayo = 70
Total = 310  (I am certainly on target!!) 

DINNER OUT!  (We had a power failure)
  Wonderful salad at Margaret's Cantina here in Chapel Hill

Green Salad with fresh veggies = 100 cals
6 oz plain grilled chicken breast = 200 cals.
Sprinkle of Seasoned Vinaigrette = 20 cals
(Hint:  I cut the chicken up and put it on the salad.)
Total = 320 calories.  

So you see, you CAN eat out if you know what you're doing.  And if a restaurant won't give you or prepare for you what you need, GET OUT OF THERE!

And I still have 200 calories left for bedtime snack.

Total for the day = 950 )  before bedtime snack. 

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