Thursday, June 25, 2009


You probably won't agree with me, but I don't care. Politics is a mean, nasty business. So is television behind the scenes. People will do anything for audience share of ratings. And that's what happens these days.

Last night, both on MSNBC, CNN and FOX, the announcers savaged Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina. They took glee in his pain and rejoiced in his downfall. They made jokes about it. I was ashamed of America.

Why? Because it's the downfall fall of a good man. What, you say? Richard defending a Republican? The world will fall off its axis!! No, I am NOT defending him. I am mourning for the dissolution of a marriage, of a family and of a father and a mother and four boys. And that is sad.

Sadder even that it is run out in public and turned into sleezy entertainment for the masses. Stop it, America!

I know Sanford did something he shouldn't have done. But the heart cannot help what the heart wants. You cannot help who you love. And I mean that. Even I have loved people in my life I shouldn't have, but I loved them and I couldn't stop. Fortunately, I wasn't in the public eye.

Sanford is a Christian, a good man, and a conservative Republican. There's nothing wrong with those attributes. He is also a husband and a father and he does NOT deserve what he is getting in the media. We should leave him alone and let them work out their family problems in private.
I'm sure it probably won't happen, however. There's too much money to be made in TV advertising.

My friend Dale Andrews says that political parties have become like cults. Dale is probably right, though I think they have become more like clubs that you have to belong to and worship, like a football team or basketball. No, my friends, no.

Think what is good ABOUT and FOR Mark Sanford and his family. We should leave them alone.

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