Thursday, May 7, 2009


My friend Luanne took these two pictures of her friend "Mrs. Woody Wood" working on her nest -- actually a hole in the tree. Her aunt sent them to me and we think they are so funny and thought you'd enjoy them, too. Here's what she said about the photo shoot:

HI Everyone, I want to give a quick explanation of these 2 pictures. I have been visiting "Mrs. Woody Wood" off and on since winter. When I went last week, I heard a loud pecking/drilling in the tree. I waited, and then she looked out of her house (hole in the tree) and made several "screaming" if calling for her mate. She then went back in the hole, came back with a mouth FULL of wood shaving, looked around ...and then....spit them out and they flew everywhere(see top picture ). Then, went back in for more, came back with mouth full, spit them out....she did this 5 times in a row and then started over the drilling and the whole process again. I watched her do this for over 2 hours that day. The male came to the tree only twice, looked in the hole and left !!!! I went back 2 days later and took even more pictures of her STILL cleaning out /making her house bigger for babies.

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